Wednesday 20 January 2016

Elite comics : If you are a lover of comics and warp realities get in here

About the company

Warped Realities ltd is a start up company poised with the vision of redefining entertainment, transforming the extremities of the mind of everyday individuals into realities and striving to make an impact in the society through entertainment. The company is registered limited liability company and even though its a start up, we do have big dreams and we do believe all set goals will be achieved in the nearest future.
Basically, with the creation of our comic, ELITES, we intend to satisfy the intellectual yearnings that kids and young adults crave for. With tonnes of cartoons, anime and comics known worldwide , we decided to create a more indigenous based comic that will reinforce a sense of national pride for every reader.
Read more including my personal review

Our comic basically is about 5 gifted individuals who begin to manifest abilities that are thought to have been lost ages ago. At a time of rising evil, these 5 discover themselves and battle evil in a 21st century Nigeria. With adventures spanning all over the 36 states of the Nigeria especially the FCT where they’ll be based at most times, Nigerian icons from the past and the future who will be hinted as having had abilities, and the complete revamping of what we feel a technologically and democratically advanced Nigeria will look like.
this is a very exciting project with the potential to be big in the country, and even though its gonna take a lot of hard work to get it "out there", we believe that this has success written all over it with proper planning and execution.

My Personal Review of this comic

So a friend of mine told me about a comic page on Instagram @Elitescomicng, which i really didnt check on because i think memes funny videos vines and the likes have all taken over which is why comics are no longer as appreciated like they use to be back in the days. until one of those lazy days of mine, I decided to see what its about , you see with comics am a hard pleaser, so it has to be on point  to avoid my unsolicited criticisms , but was very impressed with the originality and infusion of indigenous and local flare slangs basically things we all identify and relate to in the content, the quality was quite good… The content is even more interesting than I thought after the 1st episode I got hooked , it leaves you in suspence, and wanting more, I just finished my 2nd episode , going for more.. If you are a fan of comics like I am or a super heroin with a twist this is definitely a must read

Its available on

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